Lessons for Parents

Being a grandmother to 2 beautiful children along with having 3 full-grown children, Kimberly understands the pressures and problems that a parent has to face. She has provided some insight on how to tackle these sorts of issues via life lessons for kids as well as their parents.


Confucius once said:
“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”
In my book, Who Says It’s Too Hard?, Miss Owl encourages her son to keep practicing building a nest so he’ll get good at it.
We teach our kids the same thing – to not let their task get them down, but to buoy them up and move forward.

LIFE LESSON – Speak Kindly – Don’t Shout

As a school teacher for over 30 years, I gave myself 2 rules to follow:
#1 Do not shout
#2 Never put a child down
I can honestly say I followed these rules and made life more pleasant for me AND my students.
Words can be very powerful and the kinder and more positive they are, the better it is for everyone involved.
The next time you’re upset with someone, try to make your words more gentle and harmonious. Speak softly. Don’t yell.
Anthony D. Williams said,
“A kind heart speaks kind words.” Be the one with the kind heart.

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